If athletic department/sailfish sponsored weekend events are likely to be canceled due to extreme weather conditions or extended periods of heavy rain the ISM security office will have the latest update and can advise if an event is pushing through or has been officially called off by the event organizers.

Please call the ISM security office at the numbers listed below or subscribe to and follow ISManilaAD twitter feed. If event(s) are affected by extreme weather conditions a tweet will be posted, a web post will appear on the sport specific page on our website....so check Athletics webpage or call security office before you leave home if you are unsure!

Due to the large number of different events and groups that use school facilities on the weekends the ISM security office will be able to provide an update if you are unsure whether an event may be canceled due to extreme weather events.


ATAC Office 840 8610 (weekdays only 7am-4pm)

  1. ISM Clinic 8840 8580 (school hours #)
  2. Security Office 8840 8530 (24 hrs/7 days a week)
  3. Security Office Cell 09175811832 (24 hrs/7 days a week)