LIGHTNING, Concussion & Heat exhaustion


ISM’s outdoor facilities have a lightning warning system in place to ensure our outdoor sports areas are cleared when lightning is detected in the area. At all 3 fields and the swimming pool facility we have a set of flashing lights mounted in visible areas for students and coaches to observe. For PE classes or after school training/matches if lightning is detected within 0-8miles an alarm goes off in the security office and the lightning warning system is activated which initiates the set of lights to start flashing. This is the indication for all students/PE teachers/coach’s or adult’s to clear the fields/pool and move to the nearest undercover area to that venue. When the lightning warning goes off the lights will stop flashing and this is the indication that activity can then recommence.

All coaches/adults are to stay with and monitor students behaviour in the covered areas they take them to during a lightning delay until the activity can resume. ISM security guards will also assist in advising of lightning status via radio to/from the security office.

This system is in place to ensure safety for all during a lightning warning, failure to adhere to the above procedure places you at great risk! PLEASE be helpful, cooperative and respectful to all when given directions to clear the outdoor areas/pools.


A concussion for a swimmer is unlikely however accidents do happen. A slip a fall and a knock to the head can happen and must be taken with due caution. Concussion in sports and in particular youth sports is a serious issue. All ISM swim coaches are first aid trained. Any situation where a concussion is suspected will be referred to the ISM clinic for evaluation and support. Please contact the clinic directly for guidelines in order to provide care and support to ISM swimmers who may have a suspected concussion injury.

Remember- Coaches/Athletes and Parents… “IF IN DOUBT-SIT OUT”


All outdoor sports: ISM has temperature displays at all outdoor soccer fields for PE faculty and coaches to monitor temperature fluctuations during the day and thus be able to modify training plans and intensity of training on very hot days (especially through our summer months of Mar-May)

  • Facilities: Water is available at all venues. Shaded areas provided for athletes to rest, additional tents will be used as needed for larger events. Emergency (red phones) provided along with roving ISM security staff with radio contact to clinic.
  • Students: All athletes should bring water bottles to practice, apply sunscreen, and seek shade when not participating in activity. Athletes should be encouraged to drink adequate quantities of fluid throughout the day prior to and during training.
  • Coaches: Reduce and or modify training plan/intensity for activity/game length especially in summer months March-May. Schedule regular hydration/shade breaks at all sessions. Watch/monitor athletes carefully for signs of heat exhaustion (fatigue, dizziness, cramps, red skin, rapid pulse). If heat exhaustion suspected, move student into shade/AC, get water to drink, and contact nurse or campus supervisor immediately.
  • Nurses/Clinic: On site or at clinic at ISM sports events. All ISM faculty/staff are First Aid trained and there is a school ambulance on standby for all sport activities.