Each school can opt to attend or host exchanges based on their own particular needs regards calendaring of dates and coordination/availability of other IASAS schools or host with consideration of the amount of local competition a particular sport or activity has. The decision on exchanges calendaring is done with the Athletic/Activities Director’s and the HS Principals at the November IASAS Board Meeting each year for the upcoming SY.

SY 20-21 Exchanges *inc travel days ** Due to COVID19 all events will be reviewed as the school year evolves. Events are confirmed but are subject to change.

S1 exchange is CANCELLED

S2 Nov 20-21, 2020 Swimming at JIS TBC?

IASAS DATES-SY 20-21 *inc travel days, ** Due to COVID19 all events will be reviewed as the school year evolves. Events are confirmed but are subject to change.

S2 Jan 27-31, 2021 Swimming at SAS TBC? in November, 2020