ATHLETE- Rights and Responsibilities for participation on ISM teams (seasonal and year round)
As a participant of an ISM team, I have a right to expect that practices will start promptly, be focused, fun and help improve my skill level. To be a member of an ISM team or group and represent the school in local/overseas competition, I have the responsibility to attend a minimum of 80% of all practices and as such make alternative arrangements for personal or educational appointments outside of the regular seasonal or year round team practice times. I have a responsibility to be punctual, hard-working and attentive to the needs of the coach and of my fellow team members, otherwise I maybe cut from the team/group and or not be selected to the season ending IASAS team for HS competition. Failure to do so may result less playing time, reduced access to events/meets or other such sanctions.
As a HS team member (seasonal or year round teams), I expect to dedicate myself to 3/4 practices a week, plus any/all Saturday competition whenever scheduled. ISM stipulates max contacts at 5x per week which is inclusive of training and weekend games/meets. EG: 4x training sessions plus a Saturday games/meet per week is considered 5 contacts. Participation in the exchanges tournaments is highly recommended if selected to travel. Electing not to attend may affect final selection to the season ending IASAS team roster.
As a MS team member, I expect to dedicate myself to 2/3 practices a week, plus Saturday competition. ISM stipulates max contacts at 4x per week which is inclusive of training and weekend games/meets. EG: 2/3x training sessions plus a Saturday game/meet per week is considered 4 contacts.
As a player, I have a responsibility to be physically prepared and to participate fully in the practices and dedicate myself to improve my cardio-vascular fitness and sport specific fitness requirements.
Code of Ethics: ISM Athletes will:
- Be Available to house for IASAS exchanges and events.
- NEVER engage in verbal, physical, racial, cyber, coercive, hazing type behaviour or sexual abuse of ANY kind to any individual.
- NEVER share images or engage in questionable/disparaging social media actions.
- Refrain from taking or using restricted substances during the season including ‑ alcohol, tobacco products and drugs – SEE STUDENT HANDBOOK this includes all school trips. If coach/adviser hear of this occurring with a student on their team/group it is their responsibility to adopt an intervention approach and discuss the concerns with the player directly in the first instance and then inform the Athletics/Activities Director, Principal, counselor and parents to assist if and when repeated infractions are confirmed.
- Conduct themselves with dignity, sportsmanship, and sense of fair play.
- Follow activity program and coaches’ rules and regulations
- Maintain good study habits and academic performances.
- Be prompt and attend practice sessions and games at all times except due to health and/or academic reasons (subject to consultation with the Athletic Director and coach).
- Failure to attend practice or turning up late to games/meets may result in reduced playing time and or exclusion from events/competition locally and or international competitions. (irrespective of their ability!)
- Respect authority of program director, coaches, and sports officials.
- Maintain a high level of physical fitness and training.
- Respect feelings of peers and their personal belongings.
- Show proper use and care of equipment.
- Schedule personal appointments at a time that is least disruptive to team commitments.
- Use appropriate attitude and language in communicating with coaches, athletic staff and peers.
Uniform Policy: Agrees that when he/she is on a team when uniforms are ordered and he/she subsequently quit the team, he/she will be made liable for the FULL cost of the uniform. If uniforms are not picked up within the 1st month of every season, they will be donated to local charities, and parents will be billed for the cost of the uniform.
Sports Taping- I understand that as an athlete if I have an ongoing injury that requires taping for training and matches I on a regular basis it is my responsibility to supply under wrap and tape. Supplies can be purchased at Mercury drug stores or the ISM Bearcat Den.